Generating a quote

Generating a quote to purchase jswzl licenses only takes a few minutes.

Generate and accept quote
Select number of licenses

Start off by specifying the number of license to include in the quote.

Provide billing information
First, if you're purchasing for a company, check the "I am buying as a company" checkbox. This gives you the option to also add a VAT ID, which ensures that taxes/VAT are correctly calculated.

If you are a reseller or purchasing on behalf of somebody else, check the "I am a reseller or purchaser" option, and enter your email address. This email is used for billing purposes only.

Provide license information and accept terms

Licenses are for named users, and are sent directly to the user once payment has been received. As such, you need to provide the email addresses for the user(s) that will be using the software.

Next, accept the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy once you've read them. Next, press the "Buy now" button.

Generate quote

Having pressed the "Buy now" button, you are shown a payment dialog. One of the payment options is "Quote". Select that, and enter the billing information.

Once this is specified, press the "Generate Quote" button.

View and accept quote

Once you have generate the quote, you'll be redirected to a new page which contains the quote, and the quote will be emailed to you.

In the upper right, you can get a PDF version of the quote:

When you are ready to complete the purchase, you can simply open up this page again and press the "Accept & Continue" button, and pay with your preferred payment method.